Single Parenting and Letting Fear Get the Best of You

In single parenting, there is sometimes this creeping fear. You're fine for a while, so don't notice as it starts to worm it's way inside. It seems to radiate through your guts and then up into your chest. You only start to notice when it has grown...on the brink of becoming manageable.

Then it's there, full blown. No longer creeping. You tried to deny it, but now it's is unmistakably there. A force that demands your attention.

Or maybe it's something unique to me.

In any case, I feel the fear now.

I'm worried about some upcoming, unexpected bills. This is what can happen on a tight budget. I've been working to pay off debt, and I have made a hell of a lot of progress. I'm worried it will all go to shit.

I'm worried.


And fear breeds fear. What if I loose my job, which is a pretty irrational thought. Am I not doing enough to bring in more income? Am I raising these boys wrong? Will they hate my when they are older, when they are past their current daddy worship phase and become cognizant and then critical of my faults?

But a solution lies in identifying the problem. I can make plans. Plans are good.

Plans are all I have. And they have to be enough.

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