More Ch, Ch, Changes: Persistence + Planning = Payoff

It's a been a reflective week, and I was reminded of a post I wrote about changes, writing, and life transitions last summer.

I'm still working on developing a writing lifestyle. I've made progress. Not as much as I would like, but it's progress. I wrote about a thousands words of my story yesterday. It's still kinda all over the place, but I enjoyed being able to dive into story, instead of outlining, developing background, and so on.

I have also started working out. I seriously have not done so for...I don't even know how long. Stretching, at a minimum, used to be a regular part of my morning routine...I have not even been doing that.

Arguably my boys keep me moving. I have not gained any weight. I may, however, have lost some muscle. But I still did a good deal of push ups and sit ups yesterday. I've always had pretty good upper (and lower) body strength.

As I've said before, I could tone up more. And working out for health reasons is becoming increasingly important. I would not say I am unfit...but I am not exactly fit either.

Been working on a lot of things this week: getting my financial house and house in order.

I have payed off a considerable amount of debt, and that trend will only continue. It feels really good. My credit rating is going back up. This is where values mismatch and marriage can take a heavy toll. If you and your partner's value don't match, especially in terms on financial matters, Run far, far away. You may feel like you found the one, that this person is the best thing to ever happen to you, completes you...or whatever relationship bliss cliche fits. But without similar values, that stuff will fade. Resentment will grow. I know I've tooted this horn before, but values are probably the most important aspect of a successful long term relationship.

So if you are with someone you really dig...and yet your values don't quite gel, better to rip of the band-aid quickly now.

The hard part is exploring both you and your partner's values. And that process will require deep self-reflection and self-honesty. And humans are self-deception masters.

But I digress.

Things are going in a general positive direction. It has been a slow process, but with perseverance (and a plan), I have come to a point where I can look back, see the progress, and say wow.


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