Job Nibbles and Attack of the Negative Thoughts

Another job nibble...


However, I have not heard back from what I thought of as an awesome phone interview last week. I know it is still relatively early. They had other phone interviews to conduct, and then they will meet, if they haven't done so already, to decide who to invite for face-to-face meetings.

But still...paranoia.

I have been combing over everything I remember saying and, of course, considering all the ways in which my responses may have sucked, like a test you thought you did great on but instead received a C...or even D. (I was an A student in college, FYI...congratu-fucking-lations for me, right?).

If I don't hear back next week, I can probably write that one off.

But there is still this more recent one--they have contacted my references but not me yet (assuming they will)--and there are some newer ones I found that I'm pretty excited about. In fact, I need to figure out which ones to prioritize and get to asap.

Commence...more planning. (Talk about uninspiring things to commence.)

So...positive thought! Positive thoughts. Because negative ones just make you feel like shit.
