When Your Soon to Be Ex-Wife Spends the Night

It isn't how it sounds. No monkey businessing going on. Not sure I would object...I have been monkey business-less for longer than I care to admit...to myself. But mostly, I'm just wondering why the fuck she is here.

She came to pick up the boys for the weekend, as per our custody arrangements. She wanted to do dinner, her treat. Not uncommon. We often all get lunch or dinner together during exchanges. It's good for the boys that we do things together as a family. And we take turns paying.

But this time, it was getting late for the boys, and my wife and I live a couple hours apart. I was concerned she would be too tired when she got home to give the boys their bath (and that she would consequently blow it off). And they NEED to have one everyday. Especially after playing hard all day at the germ factory...I mean day care.

So she suggested her and the boys spend the night at my place.

I am not sure why I agreed.

And it is now just all weird. And the boys seem confused by this development. Mommy and Daddy living in different homes is their "normal" now.

I should not have been surprised when she started getting pissy and irritable. Why would a few months of separation change her disposition?

Maybe she misses her girlfriend or something.

So again I ask, why the fuck is she here? What is this really about? And when is she leaving?

I hope first thing in the morning.

It's weird: we are spending the night in the same house. At one point, we were laying in the same bed (to help our boys fall asleep). The bed we used to share as a couple.

We are playing house. And yet, I do not think of her as my wife. She is a stranger...who closely resembles the woman I loved for ten years.

Maybe evil twins from parallel universes do exist.
