Cultivating Time to Write...and Self-Care
I am STILL getting my house together, post-separation-from-my-wife move. It's hard to get anything done when I have to take care of my boys after work. Although, I can usually sneak in some things here and there. I used the extra time this morning to complete a sort of big "organization project"—one I could not have gotten done while my boys were awake.
It seems reasonable to infer, then, that fitting in writing whenever I can create/find the time IS possible, even when I am super busy.
In fact, in some ways, I get more done when I am busier. During the weeks the boys aren't with me, I laze around MUCH more. Excessively even. Because I can.
Time I could put to better use.
That is not to say every minute of every day has to be filled with work, writing, taking care of kids, projects of some kind, etc., etc.
Hell no.
Self-time (a.k.a. self-care) is uber-important. So along with everything else, I have to somehow create/make time for that as well. Otherwise, I'll get burnt out, probably sick, and, ultimately, less done—which means less writing.
Binging and excess, no matter the type, seems to always result in some kind of negative consequence.
Finding that balance is key, says Captain Most-obvious-advice-ever. But it really is. And it's a continual work in progress, a continual and intentional habit to cultivate every day.
Finding the balance and time to write that works best for me won't happen on it's own. And there will never be a perfect time in some better future when I'll have more time to devote to writing. I have to change to a mindset in which I perceive of the perfect time as now.
I'm, again obviously, still trying to find my own balance and figure out how this will work. Right now, I just do not know.
And knowing is half the battle.
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