Ask the Owl
At the end of my post yesterday, I promised to explain the random swear. I finished a good chunk of that post, but it's been a long day. And churning out these blogs daily while taking care of my boys is hard to maintain.
I'm tired.
I will have MUCH more time next week, when my boys are with my not-yet ex-wife. Time away from them feels fucking awful, so writing and blogging will help to keep my mind busy.
In the mean time, I'll share a fanatic quote about writing from, perhaps, my favorite writer, Isaac Asimov, that I came across yesterday on the Advice to Writers Twitter feed. Check it out. Lots of good stuff there.
I credit Asimov with igniting my passion for both reading and writing...and science and learning in general. To be honest, I can't remember why the quote struck me as so great. See for yourself:
"It is not my face I sell. Only my writing."
Perhaps the appeal is that the quote is so very Asimov, if you know anything about the man. He was all about writing. All the other crap that went with it was secondary and a distraction from writing.
I wonder if we still live in that world. Does the face now help sell writing?
Perhaps a question for the owl.
Tomorrow, I will return to the promised explanation of my random usage of swears.
A little fucking patience, please.
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