The Coffee Addict's Guide to Overcoming Coffee Crises




I forgot that I ran out of coffee yesterday, and I never went to the store as I had planned. The coffee situation, which I am usually very much on top of, didn't even cross my mind until after I poured the water into my coffee maker, put the filter in, and opened my grounds container.

My world collapsed. My mind raced for solutions. Could I somehow work with my remaining grounds? No. Did I perhaps have an back up stash somewhere, as I sometimes do for situations just like this. I searched my cupboards, pretty certain I did not. But I looked anyway. My suspicions were confirmed.

I very much did not want to resort to the instant coffee that someone--I forget who--bought for me as a gift. Blech. Instant coffee is just...wrong. Immoral even. It was a thoughtful gift. The person who bought it must've known of my undying love for coffee. I pretty much always have a cup or mug in hand or nearby. But this person was clearly not a coffee drinker. There is no greater coffee sin than instant coffee.

The store. I could run to the store. But that would mean I would have to get dressed and...shutter...leave the house. The conundrum there is I am unable to do so without first having coffee. I mean, yes, it's possible. I am certain I have done so at some time in the past. But I can't remember when. Even when my then pregnant wife's water broke, in the midst of the rush to get to the hospital, I brewed a quick pot and had my coffee with me for the ride.....

....I feel like I am being judged for that last statement. Everything went fine. There were no birth complications. We got there in plenty of time. I was actually ready well before my wife was. Yes, we are now divorced, but I don't think it was because of the coffee. At least I don't think it was. Stop judging me. Cast your own stones!


So the ultimate choice came down to the store for more coffee or...instant coffee. I kinda chose both. The instant coffee was right there, so I decided to give it a shot. And if that didn't work out, I could run to the store.

I was starting to feel more calm. Starting. I told myself I could do this. Everything will be fine. Sadly, I'm not exaggerating.

I heated the water, scooped in the fake, blasphemous coffee into my mug. I doctored it up some.'s actually pretty decent. I can work with this. Gonna make a second cup pretty soon. It at least mimics the experience for my morning ritual purposes.

Because I was really looking forward to enjoying my Sunday morning with a cup of coffee and some writing. I will leave soon-ish to pick up my boys, and I can't wait to see them. But I get so very little time to my self these days. The Life Line has become my lifeline again.

So here I am. Writing and drinking my fake coffee. On my Chromebook. All is right with the world again. The laws of physics did not change. The Apocalypse has been averted yet again. The good guys have triumphed.


Second day writing with my new--used--Chromebook.

It is so choice.

I wasted a good deal of time tinkering with it yesterday. My to-do list suffered greatly for it. But I am getting pretty good with it and accustomed to it. And it's just...kinda...beautiful. So much better than being married. It's like I am totally fine with all the grief that went along with the divorce process because now...I have a Chromebook.

And my new--used--Nexus tablet is in the mail. And I have my sights set on the Moto X. That or the cheaper Moto G. Gadgets are good. Divorce therapy even.


I redid the color scheme for my blog, in case the five or so of you who actually bother visit my blog haven't noticed.

The blue blue combined with the white background was starting to bother me. Way too bright. And I wanted something more thematically consistent with my coffee mug profile picture.

So I went with different shades of black. I feel pretty satisfied with it. The links don't show up well, so I will have to tinker with link colors. More time wasting fun!
