State of the Blog: Week 15

Early. My boys are sleeping.

I wanted to get some work done before they woke up, but that has become more difficult. When they hear me up, they seem determined to make sure I don't work by either staying up with me or having me go back to bed with them. If it's a weekend, I usually opt for the going back to bed option. I want them to well rested for the long week ahead.

Been preparing and spending too much money for Halloween. We spent a long time going to different stores to find the materials I'll need to make their costumes. They are pretty excited about it. That makes me happy and the whole thing worth it. I'll put the costumes together today. Maybe even do a trial run of the face paint. They'll enjoy that.

Been feeling the writing bug biting again. I also noticed how great I felt after I wrote yesterday. How do I always forget that?


The boys are now down for their afternoon nap. I should be getting some more work done (got to sneak it in where I can), but I am instead finishing this blog post. Not sure what compels me, other than the need to write. 

I have to allow myself that luxury at least. But always so much to do. I can barely keep up. Actually, I am usually several steps behind. 

My wife texted today from an out of state, work-related conference, asking about the boys. I told her of our costume escapades. She said that made her cry because she misses them SOOOO much, and she wishes she could make them with us. I then reminded her of her half of the day care bill she will need to pay when she picks up the boys Friday. No response. No query as to how much. I'm sure will not remember the extra cost this month since the day care was open more billable days. She will act surprised when I tell her. I will offer to show her the bill. She will probably pay $250 (best guess). $300 if I'm lucky, which doesn't even cover the amount she usually pays for day care each month. 

And, thus, it sounds like the little time I had to write and get some work done is coming to an end. I hear one of them getting up now. I think. 

Hopefully I will be able to get more writing in this week. Still have a lingering, albeit fleeting, hope that I will begin my NaNoWriMo novel first thing Friday. 

That would be cool. 
