Conditional Positive Regard

Another busy day of work and taking care of my boys...and not getting any writing in.

To add to my stressors, I had to cajole my wife to pony up for her share of the boys' expenses for the month. Hate to sound complainy, but it's such bullshit that I have to do that.

To add further insult to injury, I am starting to reconnect with my sister, but her acceptance is conditional.

We used to be really close when we were younger. I considered her my best friend for a long time.

She was also there for me as my marriage was collapsing. I was an emotional wreck, and she really provided me with a much needed person to talk and vent to...and just serve as a general support resource.

Until the dark times.

She started getting really angry at my wife during our talks. And with good reason. But she would go off on these rage rants. Yelling. Seemingly at me, but not really? She eventually did become increasingly angry with me and would sort of cut me off if I didn't follow her advice and do what she would do. Sometimes really awful, mean spirited things too. I'm just not that person.

So I lost the only person I could talk to during a REALLY hard time in my life.

As I said, we recently started talking again, and I was telling her about my wife's latest antics. It was nice to have someone to joke with about the shittyness of the situation.

Then came the sermon about those damn godless liberals. It's clearly because she is a godless liberal that she sucks. Because all conservative Christians are awesome. That was the basic gist of her message.

I have no idea why she got so upset that I am not even kinda in the same ballpark of being in agreement with her on that point, regardless of how bad my wife sucks. My wife sucks because she's a sucky person. Not because of her new sexual orientation or her political affiliation.

Thanks again, sister, for your conditional support, contingent upon me agreeing with your right-wing worldview.
