Go West, Young Man!: Last Minute Things Before I Go
OK, so I am not exactly a young man (though I do still feel young...knock on wood). Go west, man (sans young) just does not have the same historic ring to it.
Got my first promotion pay check. Better, but I am not blown away (but also not complaining). But that in additional to MUCH LESS spent on day care will make a very big difference.
The hiccup situation I mentioned yesterday is, I think, evening out. It will take time to repair (and some kind of mini-breach may always be there), but I just have to keep doing what I do and do it well and stay positive. I also have a new staffing issue to deal with. Initially, that news was an "oh fuck" moment. But those are the kinds of issues I am supposed to deal with. It's part of the job. Unexpected and kind of bullshit, yes. But that is what I have to work with and make work. And as I thought about it more, I realized it is also an opportunity to implement some changes I have been considering. This will sort of be a catalyst that will force these changes to happen.
I had some thoughts on the matter as I wrote, so I opened Evernote to create a new folder and record those thoughts. EN win! But while waiting for EN to open I almost lost a thought. So a new standard practice needs to be keeping EN open. Open that first, before email (and anything else).
OK, time to get moving now. Time is running short!
And I'm going to San Diego! Pretty excited about it, and I have a pretty cool packing.organization plan.
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