Getting Older, Maturity, and the Moment as Your Life

Day Two waking up in the West Coast. The training was fantastic and super helpful, and I am looking to see if I can stay long for the next training sessions. If I can, the most difficult part may be scheduling issues with the ex...and that I'd terribly miss my boys.

I don't have much time this morning. I did a few work emails first thing, but I wanted to sneak in a quick blog post.

I did get out on the town a little bit. Wanted to make sure I did. I have a couple cool activities planned for today as well. Who knows...I may never be here again. As I get older, life feels shorter and therefore more...precious. I want to soak it up more. Enjoy it more, even the parts that suck.

I am not sure if I posted about this before, but I found a great quote that has really resonated with me: "Be happy for this moment...for this moment is your life."

I am also excited about the things I am learning. I have a bunch of ideas of the changes I would like to make in our work group. Positive changes I am looking forward too. Some things we really HAVE to change.

If I can stay longer for the next training sessions, I would have a day of nothing to do. I would make that a work day...get lots of things done I could not otherwise fit in. In ways, it would be beneficial.

I hope I can make this extension work.

We will see.
