Managing Many High Stress Projects, Professional and Personal...and Loving It

Just finished a BIG report for work yesterday. My first as the program director. Been planning and prepping for it for months. There was a lot involved. Lots of late nights recently, lots of stress (normal-ish), and a lot of setting clear limits and prioritizing, since many people need my attention, input, approval, etc., for a variety of things.

I am very fortunate for the help I received in completing the reports. It entailed a lot of data to sift through, clean up, organize, etc. I could not have done it (not even come close) without their help. Thank you!

It was a pretty stressful week in general. A lot of high stress situation happening at the same time. The report was one, which I had to prioritize. But that was one among many.

The holiday season brings stress.

But another BIG one....I am buying a new house. Ahhhh! :)

Excited about it and stressed at the same time. We are in the closing process stage now, with a closing date set for sometime in early January. My second home. An upgrade...more space for my boys, as they are getting older and bigger and need more room. And I just love the house in general.

So that with a busy holiday season...and my crazy family...and financial planning stuff to make it all happen...stress.

Add to that I also have to rent out my current home and somewhat quickly, The next most important thing on my to do list.

I ALSO (and this will come across as extremely crazy) applied and had an interview to yet another position. Very similar to what I do now but much, much close to my home. A lot of things attractive about it, and I could not not apply. Had a short Skype interview for that yesterday (on busy due date for my report). But I squeezed it in and felt it went OK. They seemed extremely interested. We will see if they call me back for a face to face.

I love what I do now, so if I do get offered the position, I will have to consider the offer carefully. I guess that is a good position to be in.

I also have to finish grading for my online class. Ugh.

There's more, but I won't continue to bore you with the details. I have been knocking each things out, and moving closer to feeling...more in control.

Things are well. I finished that report, it's Saturday morning, I am doing some writing, and enjoying a cup of coffee in my home.
