Leadership and Writing, Recommitting to Writing, State of the Divorce Summits, and Two Year Blog Anniversary

Jeez, sometimes the day goes by fast.

I have some time to write this morning, so write I shall. Day 2 or the new path in my career. Nothing has really changed because I haven't started yet and don't know the details of how getting started will happen. But mentally, internally, everything feels new, different, and exciting.

I love the opportunity to head up a program with a team of awesome people.

But this also sort of entails a re-evaluation of my life goals. This will take more thought and time than I plan to spend on this single blog post. But a recommitment to this blog and--yet again--to my writing HAS to be part of the equation.

I love writing, whether is will ever earn me more income or not. It's just a part of who I am, and when I let it slip...I start to slip. The seems seem to slowly unravel, and I don't notice until there is a giant tear that needs urgent attention and emergency repair. Then I write...and I remember how much I need to write...only to let it fall away again. The process has repeated for, what...twenty years now? I was young when I discovered how much I loved writing and how powerful a tool is it for me. And that I am somewhat good at it.

I have gotten jobs due to the power of my writing. And that's great too. And I would love to write something someday that people want to read and spend money on. That would be really cool. But that is not why I write, The title of the blog just sort of popped into my head, herky jerky. But it really does encapsulate why I write. It is my life line. It supports me, through the good and bad times. I suspect--know really--it is the same for so many others. of course there are a LOT of people who hate writing. Working in higher ed., this revelation is a no-brainer. But at one point it really was a revelation for me. How could everyone not love something that is clearly an amazing tool.

But we are all wired differently. But a part of me also feels given the right kind of instruction that disregards the critical factor, a lot more people would also see the power and utility in writing. That's why I saddened and perplexed cursive writing is no longer being taught. I think that's a huge mistake. Some of my best thinking and brainstorming has come from thinking on the page. And the speed cursive allows is crucial to that process...or else my writing would not be able to catch up with my thoughts, and I would loose some of those thoughts and the effectiveness of writing as a way to think through complex issues, to bring the disparate parts of my life together into what at least feels like...narrative coherence. OK, that is an overly academic-jargony phrase, but it is the best phrase to describe it I can think of right now.

So...I still have a good deal of work do do here at home...both work work and house work (I'm still learning how to be a home-owner...and I've also been putting feelers out for a home upgrade--never meant for this to be THE house...just a foot in the door to build equity, credit, and buy something better for my boys and me).

Some other interesting tidbits...I met with my ex last night for a couple drinks to talk about our boys and what I can only describe as a "state of our divorce" summit. Like the first one we had a couple months ago or so, it was a really good talk, and a really great practice for divorce parents with kids. We even had a good time I would say. The first one was heavily emotional...but necessary. We needed to clean out the gutters, so to speak, to better open up communication and start to trust each other again. This second one had some emotional moments as well. Still a lot of hurt there for both of us...but it is really good we can have these talks. I feel so good about them. When it comes down to it, we get along and dare I say we like each other...as people. We respect each other. The danger for me, anyway, is getting to wrapped up in that. I was reminded why we fell in love, as we talked about our boys, our loves, so many things...even laughed some. That is dangerous territory. But I do want us to cultivate a healthy divorce relationship for our boys, Be friends even...if possible. I would like to do things together as a family. I think that step will still take time though...if it is ever even possible.

And finally, I have realized the TWO year anniversary for the Life Line has come and gone. Wow. I remember when I first started this blog. Two years already. That went by fast. But a lot has happened and changes in that time. Good things too. Here's to many more!

My blog producitity has greatly decreased. But I did kinds decide to quit...but I changed my mind, I guess. So until I decide to quite again...Viva la Life Line!
