Checking Your Phone in the Middle of the Night = Sleep Deprivation

Woke up entirely too early today. A bad habit of mine: I wake up in the middle of the night for...whatever reason, check the time on my phone, and then I'll sometime check out an email or look up the weather. Something stupid that is not particular pertinent at such an hour. And once you start down the dark...fiddling with your phone path, forever will it dominate your destiny.

Checking things on my phone begets more checking of more things on my phone. I then find myself unable to fall asleep, planning my day, and thinking of all the things I need to get done.

I am even aware of this issue. In the midst of phone fiddling, a part of me is telling myself to stop before it's too late, before I will be unable to fall back asleep. Another part of my is insisting I check my calendar and then read the interesting article linked to a periodical I subscribe too.

And viola, I am awake. I'm tired, exhausted even. But awake.

Thusly and therefore: this habit is incompatible with my productivity goals. It's a habit I need to change. And I need a plan.

The plan will be something like: do not check your phone until the moment you plan to wake up. Sooo...I need a more precise wake up time. While I tend to get up early, the time varies. I need to establish a set morning wake up time and stick to that--and not try to wake up earlier to get stuff done.

Inter-connectivity: my morning plan is inexorably connected to my evening and bed time plan. I need to create a schedule and systematize these things...while also allowing for flexibility.

My night plan is intertwined in my work productivity, which is intertwined with this and that and everything else.

One step at a time. Phone usage at night. I'll start there
