
Blogging as Procrastination

 This is the last summer of classes for my Ph.D. program. Good. I am more than happy to be done with classes. Forever. My sister calls me a lifetime student. I get her criticism. But I will always be a lifetime student, classes or not. But I am super glad to be done with classes. 

Honestly, classes are bullshit. I am just jumping through hopes to get this degree. I am learning new things, but I don't necessarily feel the assignments we do contribute much to that learning. Mostly I want the degree for my career. But I also want to learn how to be better at my career. Not sure we quite get there at times. 

I should be doing homework right now, but I'm in an "I don't feel motivated to do anything right now" funk. 

Except write another blog post, I guess. Two posts within the same week. A bit shocking. It was good to do that post a couple days ago. I wrote it a local coffee shop by where I live, with an iced latte with a couple shots of sugar-free vanilla. That has been my long-time favorite coffee drink since the 90s. And the taste can take me back. I currently like blogging better than journaling...for now. A little sick of my journal. But I have to obviously censor myself more for a blog. 

Anyway, the weekend has been a waste in terms of the homework I wanted to do. I was tired after my work trip to the West Coast. Maybe some jet lag, too. So maybe give myself a break. But that work still needs to get done. So that will be my focus today. But I also get my son back today, and there other house chores that need to get done. 

I can struggle when I have to manage multiple things like that. 

My Father's Ghost & 10 Years of the Life Line

I watched my father die. 

Well, no, I didn't. But kinda. 

I watched his spirit die. I saw him break. And he died ten years later after he moved to Greece by himself. Without his family. 

But he died alone in the condo he had there. 

We barely talked after he moved. I was 10. He died when I was 20. My 50s are coming quick. He was 62 when he died. Not all that much older than me. Too young to die. 

I'd like to make it to 100. About more 50 years of life for me. That's a good number. A healthy 100, too. I don't want 20 years of miserable sickness and immobility. 

I'm a father now. Teenage boys. Except I'm there for them. That's very important to me. The most important thing for me. I have sacrificed a lot of my own happiness to be a present father. Stuck in a town I despise. It's mutual. Just not a good fit for me. 

My boys need me less than they did when they were younger. It's good. They are such smart, handsome boys with so much going for them. They can be anything they want. But they need a lot of guidance. From me. 

Middle school is when I basically didn't have parents anymore, and I think it really put me at a disadvantage. I wish I had some guidance leading into adulthood. 

What am I writing about? Why am I even writing?

I think because I miss writing. 

This blog used to be such a great outlet for me. At a time when I was really struggling. Those days feel far away now. They are far away now. 

Today is actually the 10 year anniversary of the Lifeline. I honestly didn't realize that or plan to write a 10 year anniversary post or anything like that. I haven't even written a Lifeline blog post in a couple years.

But I felt this need to write a new blog today. An interesting coincidence. I do writing for school and work, and it feels like work, and I hate it. I never do writing I like. I journal, but it's not the same. There's something about the publicness of a blog.

I like my job but can feel sick of it (I guess as one does) and have gotten somewhat of a promotion, so I guess I am doing something right. I needed that win after the disaster of the last institution I was at. It still burns.

I found another job I am very interested in. Probably send that application off at the end of this weekend. The next step for me. A dean position. I have been directing for several years now.

The Life Line was inspired by loneliness, I think, along with a big life crisis I was working through (i.e., divorce).  

My dad died a broken and lonely man, and I hate that. 

And there is a recognition I could be that. I am a bit reclusive like him. I have his general disposition. People can really bother me. Sounds awful, right? 

But I love people and helping people at the same time. 

As my kids become more independent, I feel an impending loneliness. And not just impending. I feel it now, too. 

Too many men wind up old and alone. And I don't want that for myself. 

How do I create more support in an area where I don't really fit? How do I find my person? 

My dad has always haunted me in this way...I do not want to be like him. I already am not him. But I still can be. I guess. I fear that. 

The Lifeline lets me just write without filter. I may use it again for that. I have said this before. 

Regardless of if I write again next week or next year or never, happy tenth. 

So Many Life Transitions in a Short Amount of Time...and Dune

 So so much has changed since my last post. My girlfriend and I did end up breaking up. She dumped me about a month after my last post. That was fucking rough as shit. I love her (not past tense) deeply. We had a lot of hard conversations. Skip ahead several months, and we are at a new place now with things--we are calling it good friends. Which we are. I think we just really care about and love each other, but we don't know how to deal with the long distance. Especially when a hard situation comes up, like it did. But we are hanging out again. We have even made out...and more.

We are intentionally not really exploring what it means. I think we both agree that might best for now. And I am just truly grateful to spend time with her when we can. We'll see how this develops.

I also got a new job and quit my old job. I came to fucking hate--I mean HATE--my prior job. But so far I really love my new job and the institution. A really nice and more reputable small, liberal rats college.

Did I ever mention I am working on a PhD now? In Higher Education Administration. Been eyeing this program a long time. A good time with my boys getting older and more independent. Almost 12! Second year in the program.

And, big reveal, I have Asperger's. Recently officially diagnosed. Technically ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder).

I meditate every day now. Been loving the practice. I run just about every day. Two miles. I've picked up moderate lifting again (I used to lift a lot when I was younger--much younger).

There has just been a ton of changes going on for me, and I feel better about things and about myself than I have in a long time. 

And I have been thinking about getting back into writing and blogging. So here I am. Hope to make it a regular thing again. 

Final side note: saw the new Dune move with a new buddy last night at an IMAX theater. (Been working on making new frienda as well...making some headway there.) One of my all-time favorite stories. The movie was so very good. Been thinking about it all day. Go see it! 

A Break, Another Life Transition

We're officially on a break, effective today. I have been with the most wonderful woman since 2016. 

It's my fault. 

Things were going well prior to this...unexpected crisis, but the ongoing struggles of a long distance relationship can be very hard. Especially as you fall more deeply in love and strongly feel you should be spending your life with this person. But circumstances continue to keep you apart.

I screwed up. I lied. 

Sit on that for a moment.

I don't know if the break will become a break up. I think no one really ever knows that. A break obviously is not a sign things are great. But I made a selfish mistake. Not an infidelity. Not getting into specifics. But that's what happened. And it's been a stressful week for us as we've tried to processes this together.

I am hopeful the break will allow us to come back together. Maybe stronger than ever. But it may just be prelude to something more permanent.

Either way, I have to live with my mistake. My shitty behavior. A lie can be a small thing. But it grows so fast. And you lie more to cover up the lie. 

I do not feel very good about myself. Truth is I have not felt so good for a while. I haven't been able to understand why. But this whole thing has helped me...forced me, really get under the hood and look at what's been banging around in there. Sometimes you really want to ignore that loud banging. Hope it will just stop. I wondered if a COVID thing. But I don't think that's it either. Probably several things that have converged and come to a head. 

And this relationship crisis really pushed it into full gear. I am considering therapy for myself, along with other serious self-work. 

I don't know exactly what a break means. I think it can mean different things to different couples. Are we even still a couple? In a way. I guess. You can't be on a break if there isn't a thing there to break from. Right?

I will really miss her and struggle with this loss. I will work to not pester her. To give her the space she is asking for.

And I will really dive into what the hell is going on for me. Maybe the Life Line can be a tool to help me look at that.

I have a new tablet, so busting out a quick blog post might be easier than ever.

I am also interested in talking about new developments with my productivity systems. That kind of thing goes well with self work. 

So...a new life transition. And all that comes with that. 

Happy Valentine's Day. Happy 2021. 

Why I Write: Another Bullshit Essay on this Tired Topic

Just finished class. The second semester of my second Ph.D. program. No, I am not going for two PhDs. I never finished the first. What a fucking loser. But I don't feel like a loser. Most of the time. 

But this post isn't an exploration into my perceived loser status. Your mileage may vary. It's about writing, assholes (for those who lean loser). 

This second doctoral attempt is both challenging my writing output and rekindling my writing passion. In unexpected ways. 

I've had to completely reconceptualize what writing means to me. Not by choice. And not an intentional endeavor. 

So what the fuck does writing mean to me? 

To be continued...

Lifelining Through a PhD Program and Other Recent Life Transitions

I have been feeling the need to return to my blog posts. I am feeling a need for the lifeline again. I am at something of a crossroads and a new life transition on several levels, and that is what the Lifeline had started out as. A major life transition, a divorce and single-parenting twin sons (baby-toddlers). I was overwhelmed. Heartbroken. Feeling very alone in the world. But I had written. I had this blog, and it helped. I am now sure exactly why. But I was inspired to start this blog then, back in 2013. Gosh, so long ago now. 

And it helped. It really did.

But I really LOVE the idea of using writing to work through life transitions. 

There are other transitions I am dealing with as well. Some of the societal, that we are all dealing with...hello pandemic and fascist, dictator seeking to throughout our democratic process to stay in power. It is scary stuff. 

My stepfather passed, and my sisters and I have taken on their financial burden and care for my mother. There is so much there I don't even know where to begin. 

My boys are 10 now. Tweens. My girlfriend says they are tweens now. And I guess that is accurate. They are certainly these budding men now, still clinging on the childhood. And I feel behind in catching up to that reality. they ingrained in my head as toddlers, but that really short-changes them. This is much easier than those toddler years. And with the pandemic and social distancing, it has been a luxury that they always have someone to play with: each other. But I also feel such sorry they can't stretch their social wings more. At an age this is becoming more important. 10. I have very vivid memories of being 10. The year the Bears won the Superbowl (Easier enough to calculate my age now). 

I have continued to be with the same girl I initially wrote about a couple years back. Fours years together now. Just celebrated our four year anniversary. It's a long-distance relationship. That has had challenges we both struggle with. I love her deeply, and we so lovee being together. And people who see us together see how in love we are and how contented we are together. She has brought such tremendous love into my life, among so many other things. But it is tragic, in ways. We can't be together more as we would like. We continued to work through that. And we are doing it. 

I have switched jobs. I am the Director of another program at another school. Starting year three of this job. 

My ex-wife has remarried. The woman she initially cheated on me with and left me for. Her wife is actually great with my kids, and I love that. But there is an odd tension I am not certain how to make sense of or handle. 

AND I started a Ph.D. program. In Higher Education Administration. Blending that into the mix is difficult. I feel overwhelmed. But...I am doing it. 

I have always liked the free form and public anonymity of this blog. This Writing. This Lifeline. I don't spend to much time edited. I just release what Natalie Goldberg refers to as the monkey mind as it comes to me. And I am a terrible always typos. Always. 

So here it is. My first Lifeline blog post in years. Will this help me as it did then? Will I stick with it? I guess we'll see. 

A New Call to Adventure: Writing, Life, and Love

Hello. It's been a while. But today, right now, I have my coffee, and I am writing once again.

It's been about five months since my last confession. That's a long time. I've been very busy, and I have not done much writing. Like at all. And I miss it. I've been struggling to figure out how to integrate writing back into my life. It's becoming this alien thing I do only sometimes now.

In reviewing a lot of my older blog posts, going back four years now (tiiiimmmme flies!), one overarching theme has emerged: my inability to commit to writing as a daily practice. That was yet another reason I started this blog, and it helped. For a while anyway.

Now most of my writing is for work. Emails. Work documents. Job descriptions. Budget justifications. Marketing pieces, which are kinda of interesting and at least entail a creative process. I also write a lot of texts (ugh), a couple social media outlets (Facebook and short Goodreads reviews) and one discussion board I regularly visit (nerd alert--about Star Wars stuff).

Actually, I've done a lot of good writing via text. I text my girlfriend a lot. We have these pretty deep text-talks, and through our writing to each other, through our dialogue, we explore and collaborate on some interesting ideas. It's good solid writing, better than I would have thought possible via a phone, much less texts. I'd be interested in exploring the collaborative, coauthored nature of text writing sometime. In ways, people are writing more than ever. In other ways, as an educator, text and social media writing is doing a very poor job teaching young people (and all people, really--this last election was a testament to that) how to write well. How to craft an argument. How to explore and evaluate ideas via writing, one of the best things about writing. But texting is its own medium. And people have been crying about how less prepared the youth of today are for just about everything since roughly forever. So I don't think texting is necessarily killing the radio store. All writing is good. Composition instructors can even use texting as a spring board to take young writers from the known to the unknown--critical thinking and crafting a sustained thought via writing.

So, yes, as I said I have a girlfriend now :)

She has started reading my blog too. I only recently showed it to her (recently being I didn't mean to not show her. The Life Line has faded for me as I have moved on to other phases in my life. It has been less...Life Line-y as it once was. I really needed it then. I named the blog well. It kept me afloat and helped me to work much during a critical life transition.

She really likes my blog and the writing in it. So in addition to a new fanbase, lol...I also have a more real audience--someone I know, not just an anonymous horde I will never meet. You can't not consider your audience when you write. The anonymity of the blog was part of the appeal for me. Having an audience both provided me with a sort of motivation to keep writing, and the anonymity provided me with a safe haven to be more honest. But it was an audience nonetheless. And there were times I didn't post things after I had written them. I didn't want to expose some of the darker times. The periods I sank into a depressive funk. I wanted to sustain the illusion of getting better. And this illusion helped to actually create a better reality. The Life Line became as much of a persona as anything.

I may repost some of those more depressing posts someday.

So her presence as a reader of this blog changes the blog. But that is fitting. Having her in my life changes who I am. Changes how I live my life. I have had to learn how to let someone in. That has not been easy for me. Yet, at the same time, it has been crucial. She has become my new Life Line, more than she realizes.

We've been together like, what...10 moths now. Since September. Just thinking about her brings a smile to my face. She is really special. I'm a lucky man. I can hardly believe it at times, especially going back and re-reading my first Life Line posts.

This time, where I am now, how far I have come, felt like it was so far away. That depressive, post-marriage reality is now just a blip in my past. But it also really was a significant, new call to adventure that was the start of a whole new hero's quest, a whole new life. It is quite amazing how that pattern, the Monmouth, really does play out.

But the then of that time felt so...permanent. It was an exercise in despair, loss, and grief. It was pretty intense, and I did not know what to do. I did not know who I was. So much had felt like it had gone wrong. And I felt so...alone. Save for my work and my beautiful boys. Both of those things also saved me. I put all my focus into them at the expense of everything else.

It was overwhelming. It was scary. But I persisted. I wrote. I got up everyday. I kissed my sons. I worked hard. I excelled. Despite of or because of the situation. I'm not certain which.

Around this time last year, I moved into my new home. The second one I now own. I bought that first home to repair my credit, build up equity, and get a better home. A gamble, but also intentioanlly planned. I never would have thought I'd have two houses then. I have a really great job managing a very large academic program. I didn't see that coming so quickly then either. Managing a program is stressful. But I love it at the same time. I have been putting a lot of myself into that now. Molding the program more into where I think it needs to be. It's like a living thing. New obstacles and transitions all the time. And so many people, so much stuff and money I'm responsible for. That can feel overwhelming too. But you just keep at it every day, and you keep going and going and going. And things get better.

Results and outcomes improve. You can look back and see the results. It's very rewarding.

The Life Line allows me to look back and see where I was then, who I was then. Because we don't always see the change as it's happening. But the cumulative effects of the gradual changes can result in waking up one day and realizing, shit, things are so different. So better.

I have found a new equilibrium. I am so much better than I would have imagined four years ago. My boys are doing so great in school. If I think about how well they are doing, I am completely capable of crying. They are such smart little people now. And they were barely more than babies then. My ex and I have found a niche in which we are able to communicate and work together to coparent our children. We are semi-friends now even. It's nice, in a way, to have her back in my life as kind of friend. It can also be maddening at times. But it's good.

And I've found love again. I honestly thought that was something that was in the past for me. Something that I had experienced but never would again. And after losing love and then re-finding it, it is all the more precious. It's another new call. Another great identity defining adventure. We are carving out a new identity together. We have no idea where it's going. I am just enjoying having her in my life.

So how do I juggle it all? Work, parenting, writing, my home, my health, and love. There are no instructions to follow. We make it up as we go.

It's a story we continually craft. So why not chose to love your story? Believe in it. Keep revising it. But also just live it. Like a story or any piece of writing, let it guide you where it will. That is the best part of writing. How it creates things and takes you to places you didn't know you were going to.

I didn't meticulously plan out this blog post. I just decided I was going to blog again today.

And so I sat down with my coffee and started writing.