Sex and Relationships and Dating...and your 40's
I had exactly one post last year. Wow. That was not my intent, but it was a busy year. And the Life Line has changed for me. I did not need it as a Life Line in the same way I did when I started the blog in 2013...newly seperated, on the brink of divorce, learning to be a single dad of twin boys, and recently moved to a new towm. It was an intense year,
Things have gotten a lot better, but I still love to write...and I have been doing some. But not much. My newer role at work has just consumed me. I did finally buy that new house...this summer. I love it. It is great for me and my boys. Now I own two homes. I'm renting out one. I owned zero when I started this blog...and my credit was a wreck. I owe a lot, in ways, to the Life Line.
I started more actively dating in 2016 too. It had been a while. And 2017 begins with an actual girlfirend. It has real potential to become something more. But...some real obstacles I'll discuss (at least some) later.
But the Life Line for now is still a thing. And I would like to blog about other things as well, and not just use it as a semi-self-censored journal.
But it is getting late, and I'm getting tired--and I'd like to get to bed. I didn't sleep very well last night. But in a good is the case when you have a girlfriend (or boyfriend..but I only do pun intended).
Sex and relationships and dating in your 40's is very different. I want to say better. Sex is better. Perhaps a lot better. That is a pleasant surprise. I've never before really thought of sex as a sort of...dialogue...but it so absolutely is.
In any case, I am feeling I need the Life Line again...but I am not sure how. Writing has always been a lifeline for me...I just did not always recognize it as such, And when I write regularly, I know myself better, I focus better, and my thoughts, and thus life, are more organized
So what are my writing goals for 2017? What kind of writer do I want to be?
The quest continues in your 40's. There is always a new crisis moment...always a new heroes quest. Life as a heroes quest...maybe that is what I should name this blog. But we write our life stories as we go. So Writing as Life Line fits in that regard as well. All dialogue, all utterances are story. Or so our minds craft them as such.
So today, this new year, a new call. But I am not sure what the crisis is yet, or what the quest will be about. But the hero never does as first.